Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 19:00 / Closed on Weekends


To establish and maintain a forum among Asian countries that promotes political development through dialogue and cooperation in strengthening adherence to democratic values and development of democratic institutions. The BDF also initiates and facilitates learning and sharing of experiences as a strategy towards the consolidation of peace, stability and prosperity in the region and beyond. The BDF also aims to providing sharing experiences among state actors and invited stakeholders to understand the challenges of making democracy deliver prosperity. On the same time, learning lessons of policies and initiatives, and understanding the conditions of making democracy for prosperity. Those objectives are built on a platform for mutual support and cooperation in the context of building democracy and political institutions.

The BDF expects to continue contributing to the region’s peace and stability, to the promotion of human rights and humanitarian values, and especially to further encourage that balance between economic growth and political development. The proposed theme of BDF is based on the underlying notion that the main objectives of any government is to bring prosperity for the people. In this context democracy is believed to enable governmental system to being more open, fair, and sustainable in the noble pursuit of achieving people’s prosperity.

  • Hits: 1962
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
Taman Pejambon no. 6, Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 10110 Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 344 1508